Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 2014 Volupties Review


I'm so excited for this subscription box! It's called Volupties, and it is an underwear subscription box for voluptuous women. It is $17 a month but I got mine for $12 since it was my first box! They offer free shipping and they ship out a week after you subscribe for the first time and the end of the month every time after. In every box you get 3 pairs of underwear, whether it be boy shorts, briefs, or thongs so for $17. It's an awesome deal!


The shipping bag is nice and discrete so the whole world doesn't know what you ordered! 


All wrapped up in pretty pink paper but not for long!


Look how cute!!! This is looking promising! This pair is from Spreegirl which conveniently I couldn't find any information on. I love this pair, the hearts are my favorite, so cute! 


Next is from Icollection, these are black with adorable red bows on the sides. I wish I could give you guys a price but the website doesn't list prices. Again, very cute!


Last but definitely not least is my favorite pair, this hot pink pair of boy shorts by Carrie Amber. I didn't think it would be so hard to find information about underwear but I guess it's harder than it sounds! So no price for this pair either. 

So what do you guys think of my new subscription box? I was hesitant about posting my underwear for the world to see but I decided to get over it because reading reviews about Volupties helped me decide whether or not to buy them! Let us know! 


April 2014 Glossybox Review


Hello again! I'm determined to get caught up on these reviews! So let's dive into the April Glossybox


Of course here's the shipping box. 

Here's the classic pink box that they always use. 

And the big reveal! I was excited to open this box because I LOVE Ciaté nail polish and in this month's Glossybox you got a spring Ciaté Paint Pot color and I couldn't wait to see what my mom got! So naturally that was the first thing I snatched!


Look how pretty!!!! I love the adorable little bow! This color is called Kaftan, and it is a beautiful golden yellow! I can't wait to steal it from her! The Paint Pot is specially designed to fit easier in your hands and make it easier to hold on to.  This bottle retails for about $15. 


This is Caldrea body wash. I couldn't find too much information on this body wash so I'm just gonna say it's body wash and it smells good! An 11.5 ounce bottle retails for $18. 


Next is Bellápierre Vanilla Pink Super Gloss. This lipgloss is made with a natural plumper so it makes your lips look plump and full! This lip gloss retails for $25 a tube. 


This is L.A. Splash Eyeshadow Sealer/Base. I was very jealous of this! You use this on your eyelid to help prevent creasing when you apply your eyeshadow. It also helps prevent smudges and helps keep makeup on for 12 hours. I would love to have this and will definitely be making a trip to the store to by this! It retails for $9 a bottle. 


The last product is Aqua Spa Body Crème in relax. This smell wonderful, it's lavender and chamomile which helps relax your body. A 9 ounce bottle retails for $8.

So what did you guys think about this month Glossybox? My favorite product is the nail polish! Let us know what you guys think! 


April 2014 BarkBox Review


It's been a while guys! How is everyone? I'm gonna show you what my mom got in her April BarkBox!


First things first, here's the box it's shipped in. This box was a little banged up but luckily nothing was damaged!


Here is the first look. The tissue paper is still my favorite part! Of course this month's box theme is Spring!


Spring has Sprung! 


So the first thing I grab, of course, has to be this weird looking guy! I mean look at him, he's so creepy it's cute! These are Water Loopies, by Loopies Toys. These toys are thoughtfully made with double stitching and extra squeakers so they last longer. These are the Alien Spectors and  they are made for playing in the water. I think this retails for $14.95. 


Both of the dogs enjoyed this! They played tug-o-war for while!


The dogs were wanting some treats so next is Bocce's Bakery Beef Bourguignon! These treats have no preservatives, they are wheat free and sources in the USA. These were made with fresh carrots, roasted hormone free beef, and parsley, they pride themselves by using human grade ingredients which is good for dogs with sensitive stomachs and allergies! This bag runs for $8.50. 

They both LOVED the treats! Look how happy they are!!


The next bag of treats are Dogs Love Kale, these are all natural, healthy and gluten free! Of course kale is the main ingredient.


This is a bully stick by Barkworthies. I'm not sure what to say about this, there was only one so this went back into the box for later! It is valued at about $3. 


Last but not least is Mr. Barksmith's Cool Treats Smoothies for Dogs in carrot cake. All you do is freeze and eat these! They are made with human-grade food and natural ingredients. Again, there was only one of these so back into the box it went!

So what did you guys think about this month's BarkBox? Let us know! 


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

2014 KLUTCHclub Best of Women's Box Review

Yeah, that's right, I got another KLUTCHclub box, you wanna make something of it? Just kidding, but man, I got this box ages ago, I'm really behind. I've been slowing down on boxes for a couple of reasons: 1) I might be moving soon and 2) I've been nonstop playing the South Park: The Stick of Truth game since Felicia (F.M.) loaned it to me. But anyway, I'm finally back from that (the latter at least).

First Look
So every Best of Women's box I've gotten has been pretty different, and pretty worthwhile. I paid around $10 for this box and I feel like I got a great deal.

I can always use some new razors, and although I did have a negative experience with BIC razors when I was twelve, maybe I'm mature enough to not just rip it up my leg now (wouldn't count on it though). This one has moisturizing strips though, so it should be much easier to not injure myself.

These weren't the best potato chips I've ever had, although they weren't terrible. I'd rather stick to Pop chips.

These are a repeat, and a gelatin one at that, so I'm going to try to find them another home.

I've never had sweet soybeans, so this was a little weird. The chocolate on them was pretty good, but the soybean flavor met my expectations in not really fitting with the chocolate.

More lovely Taylors teas. I still haven't tried the last couple I got, but they look expensive, so I'm sure they're good.

I've tried the peach so far, and it was good as pouch foods go, but dang, why does everyone love what is essentially baby food so much?

Another play-dough bar! This will not be eaten by me by any stretch of the imagination.

I learned that I can't do energy drinks, so this too will be passed along to someone.

I'd just purchased some black cherry Zevia the night before this box came. The cola flavor is even better I think! I like this stuff. It's sweetened with Stevia, so it tastes sweet, but with no calories.

And finally, this is my first box of Energems. They're good. Much less painful than the energy drink I had, and they taste delicious. There's a hint of the Mexican chocolate taste in there, but also the mint and just a little bit of the "energy drink" bitterness.

I think this box is a lot of fun! I would probably subscribe if I had the money to.

What do you think? Have you gotten this box? Let us know!


Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 2014 Conscious Box Review

Phew! Finally a Conscious Box that isn't terrible. This still isn't super great for the $19.95 price tag, but supposedly they are changing to "Conscious Box Plus" next month, which will include more full-sized products. I'll still have a box coming for the next couple of months, so we'll see how that turns out.

Still the traditional look for this month, although that's changing too!

I could already tell from the first look that this month was better than the last one.

At first I thought they must have really been listening to my reviews, because this was the flavor I selected that I wanted to try. And it was much better than the plain sea salt ones from last month. Turns out everyone got this flavor, but nonetheless...

I've never really consumed energy drinks in my life, but I thought I'd give this a try. Let me share with you a log of my thoughts:
  • First sip: Mm, not bad! Kind of tastes like Nerds.
  • Second gulp: Okay, this isn't that great after all. Tastes kind of like leaves. I can still taste the Nerds but they're icky now.
  • Halfway through the can: Ugh, I am not energetic and this stuff is gross. Why do people drink energy drinks? I guess I'm awake, but I probably would have been any way. I don't seem to be working any faster.
  • An hour after drink: Ow. Why is my side hurting so badly? Also my chest. My groin. OW! Is this from the drink?
  • Three hours after drink: The stabbings are over, except the constant one in my chest. 
  • Four hours after drink: All better! Not even going to try the drink that came in my KLUTCHclub box. I'm not meant for these things.
So yeah, this is not the time or activity level in my life to start drinking energy drinks, or so I seem to have learned.

This is a baby food. I am not a baby. But I do have some child-like tendencies. I ate most of this stuff out of the bag and pretended it was freeze-dried apple. It was pretty good, although I could feel it turning into baby food in my mouth.

My mother always stressed to me the importance of iron in a vegetarian diet. Iodized salt and that. I guess I'll try this at some point, but it's not something I've ever thought to need (never been anaemic or anything).

Tea! I will almost certainly love this.

Another of these sets to try. I promise I will.

I bought a different flavor of these a day or two before I got the box. Pressed fruit strips are pretty interchangeable, but usually appreciated.

Only one this month, but dang! Conscious Box must own stock in Via Nature, I swear...

Coupons in the coupon envelope! Hooray!

Conscious Box is improving, that's for sure. This has been my favorite box so far out of three. I'm excited to see what the new "plus" boxes will be like! Or for the lesser price, I might end up trying the "taster" box.

What do you think? Have you tried this box? Do you think the plus box will be better?
