Hello on this beautiful day! I decided to buy myself a Fancy box mystery box to see if I recived better products than my mom, (which I did!) I picked the small box just because this was my first mystery box, so it was about $20 after shipping. Let's see what's inside!
This is how it was shipped to me, I thought I was getting a box but this works too! It was pretty heavy so I was excited to rip it open!
You guys know that I love nail polish! So naturally I was very happy with this, and the fact that it was red and black nail polish made it even better! This polish was specially made for Fancy Box by Rainbow Honey (http://www.rainbowhoney.com/) they have some beautiful nail polish colors and they have a mystery bag that you can subscribe to for just $10 a month! Crap I think I just found another subscription box to subscribe to!!
I love the way this was set up and I didn't even notice at first that it came with cuticle cream so, yay! This is valued at $10.
The colors are Fancy Red and Fancy Black, I can't wait to try them out! I think that these bottles are worth at least $10, I'm just guessing by the price on their webpage.
At first I didn't realize what this was so I say there and stared at it for at least a minute before I realized it was a headphone splitter! Once I figured that out I thought it was a pretty cute idea. I've been meaning to buy one of these and now I don't have to, so of course I'm excited! I found one on Ebay for $8.50.
So I found out why the bag was so heavy, this frame has some weight to it! I have a crazy collection of picture frames that I haven't used yet so I guess I get to add another to the pile. I do really like this frame though and it being neon green really helped too!
I thought the bag was empty until I dumped it upside down and this little bag fell out. It's a thing of Chapstick, which one can never have to many things of Chapstick!
So what did you guys think? I enjoyed this box and wouldn't mind ordering another, I love the mystery of it! Did you order a Fancy mystery box, if so what did you get? Let us know!
not fair! I wanted neat stuff!